Developmental Editing

What Is Developmental Editing?

This is the most complex level of editorial work. I will look at every aspect of your storytelling: your worldbuilding or setting, your characters' motivations and believability, your plot structure and your narrative decisions.

I'll dive into your story world, dig out your themes, get under your protagonist's skin, and find solutions lurking in any sneaky plot holes. And I'll bring all my experience, intuition and enthusiasm, as both an editor and a lifelong reader with me.

What's included: 

  •  A full editorial letter summarising my critique, including my structural breakdown and analysis of your novel and overall thoughts on your plot, characters and storytelling.

  • Comments throughout your Word document, giving detailed feedback and suggestions for developing your plot, characterisation and narration, as well as identification of any plot holes or continuity errors.

  • An additional Word document with a thorough line edit of your opening 1,000 words. (I include this so that you can get an idea of the type of improvements you could be making to your prose during your developmental revisions.)

  • An optional follow-up meeting, and ongoing email support.

Ready to get started?

Lets chat about your project.

I'm happy to offer a sample edit (tracked changes and comments on up to 1,000 words), so you can can get a feel for my editing style and make sure we're a good fit.

If your manuscript isn't at a stage where a sample edit would be helpful, I'm happy to swap this out for a free consultation instead, so we can spend half an hour chatting about your story and the editing process. This could be either a voice or video call, or we can chat via instant messaging if you prefer.